Bash overview
- * - represents zero or more characters
- ? - represents a single character
[] - represents a range of characters
- ls [sv]* - looking for a files begins with s or v
- ls *[0-9]* - set by using a hyphen
- ls [^a-z]* - caret means not
For files: - r read - you may view the contents of the file. - w write - you may change the contents of the file. - x execute - you may execute or run the file if it is a program or script.
For directories: - r - you have the ability to read the contents of the directory (ie do an ls) - w - you have the ability to write into the directory (ie create files and directories) - x - you have the ability to enter that directory (ie cd)
Set for:
- u user
- g group
- o other
- a all
In case octal mask using, each number represent [ugo].
- . (dot) - a single character.
- ? - the preceding character matches 0 or 1 times only.
- * - the preceding character matches 0 or more times.
- + - the preceding character matches 1 or more times.
- {n} - the preceding character matches exactly n times.
- {n,m} - the preceding character matches at least n times and not more than m times.
- [agd] - the character is one of those included within the square brackets.
- [^agd] - the character is not one of those included within the square brackets.
- [c-f] - the dash within the square brackets operates as a range. In this case it means either the letters c, d, e or f.
- () - allows us to group several characters to behave as one.
- | (pipe symbol) - the logical OR operation.
- ^ - matches the beginning of the line.
- $ - matches the end of the line.
- -n - display line number as well at the output
- -c - display quantity of matched lines
Piping and redirection
- > - STDOUT to a file. cat filename > out
- < - STDIN from a file. wc -l < filename
- STDIN and STDOUT. wc -l < barry.txt > myoutput
- 2> - redirect STDERR
- ls -l > out 2>&1 redirect STDERR to STDOUT and STDOUT to a file
- | - pipe. Output of program to the next one. Ex: ls | head -3 | tail -1
- save the output from the command to the variable - lines=\`cat $1 | wc -l\`
Foreground and Background Jobs
- program_name & - run program in background
- ctrl+z - pause the current foreground process and move it into the background
- jobs - show background jobs
- fg <job number> - return job to foreground
Commands descriptions
“ls [options] [path]“ - list directory contents
- ls -lahF - long format, all files, human readable format, files indicators
- “file [path]“ - determine file type
“man <command name>“ - access to manual pages
- man -k <search term> - find required search term in man pages
- press / to start search inside man page and n to search next result
- Files manipulations
“mkdir [options] <directory>“ - make directories
- mkdir -p - create parent directories
- mkdir -v - verbose output
- “rmdir [options] <directory>“ - remove empty directories. Flags similar to mkdir
- “touch [options] <filename>“ - change file timestamp. Can be used to create blank file
“cp [options] <source> <destination>“ - copy file or directory
- cp -r <source> <destination> - copy some folder
- cp -n ... - do not overwrite existing file
- “mv [options] <source> <destination>“ - move a file or directory
“rm [options] <file>“ - remove vile or directory
- rm -r <directory> - remove non empty directory
- rm -i <file> - interactive mode
- rm -d <path> - remove empty directories
“mkdir [options] <directory>“ - make directories
“cat [files]“ - concatenate and print files
- cat file1 file2 > out_file - concatenate two files
- “less <file>“ - display file with navigation. space - next page, b - previous page
“chmod [permissions] [path]“ — change file modes or Access Control Lists
- chmod g+x - add execute permissions to the group
- chmod u-w - revoke read permissions for the user
- chmod ug+rx - add read and execute permissions to the user and group
- chmod 755 - all rights for user, read and execute only for group and other
- chmod 644 - read/write for user, read only for group and other
- Filters
- “head [-number of lines to print] [path]“ - display first lines of a file
- “tail [-number of lines to print] [path]“ - display the last part of a file
- “sort [-options] [path]“ - sort lines of text files
“nl [-options] [path]“ - line numbering filter
- nl -s '. ' -w 10 - add some formating
- “wc [-options] [path]“ - word, line, character, and byte count
“cut [-options] [path]“ - cut out selected portions of each line of a file
- cut -f 1 -d ' ' - get first column from the file, if columns separated by spaces.
- cut -f 1,2 -d ' ' - get first and second columns
“sed <expression> [path]“ - stream editor. basic expression - s/search/replace/g
- sed 's/oranges/bananas/g' mysampledata.txt - replace oranges with bananas
- uniq [options] [path] - report or filter out repeated lines in a file
- tac [path] - concatenate and print files in reverse (reversed cat).
- diff [options] <files> - compare two files
- top - display and update sorted information about processes
- ps - process status
date - display current date.
- date +%F - display in format year-month-day
- xargs - construct argument list(s) and execute utility
find - walk a file hierarchy
- find . -type f - find all files
- find . -type d - find all directories
- find . -size +200M -exec ls -sh {} \ - find and display all files more than 200M
- find . -mtime -1 - find all recently changed files
tar - manipulate tape archives
- tar -zcvf mytar.tar.gz * - add all files in folder to the archive
- tar -zxvf mytar.tar.gz - extract files from archive
- awk ‘pattern { action }’ - pattern-directed scanning and processing language